TIKEN JAH FAKOLY, was born in Odienne, a village in the north-west of Ivory Coast on 23 June 1968. The Fakoly family, members of the Malinke tribe, are descended from the legendary warrior chief Fakoly Koumba Fakoly Daaba and belong to the griot caste. The African griots are storytellers/musicians who guard the oral tradition of their people, their region and the most important families living there, recounting stories and legends through their music.
As a young boy, Tiken developed a passionate interest in music, but he did not actually put his passion into practice until after the death of his father. Tiken was not an assiduous pupil at school, preferring to spend his time listening to music and attending local dances rather than studying. In an effort to get his son back on 'the right track', Tiken's father sent him to live with a relative in a neighbouring village called Gbeleban. But, far from turning Tiken away from music, this move only encouraged him .. for it was in Gbeleban that Tiken discovered reggae! At the age of 20 Tiken hooked up with a Ghanaian guitarist by the name of Joffrey and soon afterwards the pair went into the studio together to record their first demo tape. However,
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